With more than 25 years of experience, SIAM-INDO is committed to continuously maintaining the quality of our products, systems and services. SIAM-INDO's relentless innovation has contributed to many strategic projects in various Indonesian business sectors, for the development of a better future
Shadow line is a metal frame used to decorate corners in the form of water ropes on ceilings and partition walls that are tid...
The gypsum screws with the best grip quality are suitable for gypsum board installation, whether on walls, ceilings, or other...
ELEPHANT® ACCESS PANEL is an accessory that is used as an access to the ceiling for easy maintenance and repair of room utili...
This accessory can be used at the corner of the gypsum to strengthen the wall’s edge from impact risk and give a more aesthet...
The fibers contained in the ELEPHANT® E’TAPE paper tape is to provide the best adhesion, to strengthen the gypsum board join...